I've been feeling afraid and angry and confused for the past few days, and I've wanted to write something, knowing that my fear and grief can't be perfectly communicated, and that too many words don't serve us. So perhaps I am writing this only for myself. If that's the case, thank you for bearing witness to my own attempt at healing.
I've lived with the threat of violence all my life, and for this and other reasons I write as a survivor. Growing up in the north of Ireland/Northern Ireland, I've known people to kill for ideological reasons, and out of desperation to be heard, as well as apparent sheer blood lust. I've witnessed counter-terrorist strategies that often made things worse, because they dehumanized people further, equated the imposition of force with security, and sometimes slipped over into revenge. We didn't know much of restorative justice, and little account was taken of the dominant culture's own errors in the treatment of minority or marginalized people, or their/our complicity in oppression. Wisdom figures were there, but rare. However, later I also saw unfolding and participated in a peace process that eventually brought sworn enemies to the negotiating table, a massive reduction in violence, and a commitment to share leadership for the common good. People said it was impossible. But it happened. It isn't perfect. But it happened. It can happen again.
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